Rockin Meals Challenge Week 3 Meal Plan

Rockin Meals Challenge Week 3: No Grains Meal Plan

Whether you are participating in the Rockin Meals Challenge or not, prepping your meals for the week ahead of time makes a huge difference. Below is the meal plan for Week 3: No Grains of our Rockin Meals challenge, but all meals are also dairy-free, sugar-free, and alcohol-free, perfect if you are doing the monthly challenge or a Whole30.

This week will focus on no grains. This means any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, cereals, and flour or corn tortillas are examples of grain products. Gluten-free foods such as popcorn, rice, and oatmeal are also a grain. A popular thickener you will see in store bought sauces, dressings, and condiments is cornstarch, which is also off limits. A good substitute for cornstarch is arrowroot, which you will see in one of the recipes in this meal plan.

A grain-free diet has been linked to improving digestive issues, relieves inflammation (which is linked to many common diseases like auto-immune, diabetes, etc.), and improves gut health. This challenge can help you pinpoint whether grains have a negative effect on you by eliminating it from your diet and slowly reintroducing it, monitoring your body's response.

The goal from this isn’t to cut out grains forever, but it’s to show you a new perspective that not every meal needs to have a grain. Throughout this challenge, you’ll find meals focused around whole foods will be just as filling without grains and just as satisfying. You’ll be introduced to healthier swaps and be able to identify which ones you love. Now let’s get started with another killer meal plan!

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Week 3 Meal Plan: No Grains