Rockin Meals Challenge Week 4 Meal Plan

Rockin Meals Challenge Week 4 Meal Plan: No Alcohol

GUYS! Can you believe it?! We are ONE WEEK away from completing our Rockin Meals Challenge! I hope you all feel as good as I do! This one is probably the easiest week if you are doing the Challenge by week because it’s just no alcohol, however I still encourage you to keep your meals focused around whole foods. Below is the meal plan for Week 4: No Alcohol of our Rockin Meals challenge, but all meals are also dairy-free, sugar-free, and grain-free, perfect if you are doing the monthly challenge or a Whole30.

This last week is by far the easiest one to explain - no alcohol, of any kind, not even for cooking. If you are following a recipe that requires wine or some other alcohol for cooking, use water or broth. Given our social lives have taken a hit during this pandemic, this should be a lot easier than doing an alcohol detox pre-pandemic life am I right?! Let's do it!

Week 4 Meal Plan.PNG

Week 4 Meal Plan: No Alcohol